Friday, May 16, 2014

Being GAY

When life shuts one door, it opens two, three and four.
Nothing is wrong, as long as you know how to use them all.

You just need to have an eye and open up your mind.
There will always be doors awaiting your knock.

Finding happiness is like digging deep in earth searching for that one streak of water.
Dig somewhere else if you can't find it here.

Be glad with whatever you have, even if it's far less than what you deserve.
Because even the destiny cannot keep from you, what is yours.

Stick with the ones who understand you and leave the ones who are constantly in process of stopping you from reaching where you belong.
There is so much to do that you can easily overlook the negatives around.

Believe in yourself even if no one else does.
Trust your instincts and go with the flow.

Let anyone pamper you, never deprive yourself from love.
There is nothing better than the feeling of being taken care of.

It's not important how you achieve, but what you achieve.
As it brings with it a sense of joy, and if everyone deserves to be happy, so do you.

Keep going whatever it takes and you will surely reach where you want to, where you have to.

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